
count: 3  1 - 3

author : Mael Le Berre

First name Mael
Middle name Le
Family name Berre


"Time-Resolved Tracking of a Minimum Gene Expression System Reconstituted in Giant Liposomes"

Hirohide Saito, Yusho Kato, Mael Le Berre, Ayako Yamada, Tan Inoue, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, ChemBioChem, 10, 1640-1643 (2009)


"Electroformation of Giant Phospholipid Vesicles on a Silicon Substrate: Advantages of Controllable Surface Properties"

Mael Le Berre, Ayako Yamada, Lukas Reck, Chen Yong and Damien Baigl, Langmuir, 24, 2643-2649 (2008)


"Spontaneous Generation of Giant Liposomes from an Oil/Water Interface"

Ayako Yamada, Mael Le Berre, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, ChemBioChem, 8, 2215-2218 (2007)