混雑条件下での揺らぎが引き起こす粒子群局在の転移現象の論文が国際誌Physica Dにアクセプトされました:尾田君(M2)が筆頭著者、Shew博士(NY City Univ.)との共著論文、”非平衡ゆらぎが粒子群のミクロ相分離を引き起こすことを実験的に見出し、理論計算によりメカニズムを明らかにした”



Fig.1: Schematic representations of the experimental system with bird view in (a) and side view in (b); typical snapshots at 0 and 540 seconds (left panel) and the real-time trajectories of the large sphere (right panel) for two distinct packing fractions η = 0.1(NL = 1 and NS = 29) in (c) and 0.6(NL = 1 and NS = 229) in (d), where dL =10mm, dS =3mm and D = 60mm. The scale bar is10mm. Note that the dotted circles in the trajectory plots indicate the outermost boundary which can be reached by the center of mass of a large sphere within the cylindrical disk.