
Title : SAXS, SANS and NSE studies on the unbound state in the DPPC/water/CaCl2 system

Language: English
Type: Article
Authors: Norifumi L. Yamada, Hideki Seto, Takayoshi Takeda, Michihiro Nagao, Youhei Kawabata and Katsuaki Inoue
Journal: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Volume: 74
Number: 10
Month: 10
Year: 2005
Actual year: 2005
Pages: 2853-2859
doi:   10.1143/JPSJ.74.2853

"SAXS, SANS and NSE studies on the unbound state in the DPPC/water/CaCl2 system"

Norifumi L. Yamada, Hideki Seto, Takayoshi Takeda, Michihiro Nagao, Youhei Kawabata and Katsuaki Inoue, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 74, 2853-2859 (2005)