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author : Koji Okada

First name Koji
Family name Okada


"Studies on the 1H and 13C Contact Shifts for ρ-Bonded Molecules. Stereospecific Electron Spin Transmission in Cyclic and Bicyclic Amines"

Isao Morishima, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Koji Okada, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 98, 3787-3793 (1976)


"The Conformational Dependence of the Inductive Effect in the ρ-Electron System as Studied by Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance"

Isao Morishima, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Koji Okada, Teijiro Yonezawa and Kojitsu Goto, The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95, 165-171 (1973)