
Title : Entrainment in an electrochemical forced oscillator as a method of classification of chemical species - A new strategy to develop a chemical sensor

Language: English
Type: Article
Authors: Satoshi Nakata, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Kawakami
Journal: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Volume: 59
Number: 1-3
Month: 10
Year: 1992
Actual year: 1992
Pages: 169-176
doi:   10.1016/0167-2789(92)90212-6

"Entrainment in an electrochemical forced oscillator as a method of classification of chemical species - A new strategy to develop a chemical sensor"

Satoshi Nakata, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Kawakami, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 59, 169-176 (1992)