author: Damien Baigl
First name: | Damien |
Family name: | Baigl |
pages: 1 count: 21
2012 | |
"Theory of DNA-cationic micelle complexation" Helmut Schiessel, María D Correa-Rodríguez, Sergii Rudiuk, Damien Baigl and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Soft Matter, 8(36), 9406–9411 (2012) | detail publisher doi:10.1039/C2SM25603G |
"Enhancement of DNA compaction by negatively charged nanoparticles: Effect of nanoparticle size and surfactant chain length" Sergii Rudiuk, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 368(1), 372–377 (2012) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2011.10.033 |
2011 | |
"Light-Regulated mRNA Condensation by a Photosensitive Surfactant Works as a Series Photoswitch of Translation Activity in the Presence of Small RNAs" Sergii Rudiuk, Hirohide Saito, Tomoaki Hara, Tan Inoue, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Biomacromolecules, 12(11), 3945–3951 (2011) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/bm200962s |
"Enhancement of DNA Compaction by Negatively Charged Nanoparticles. Application to Reversible Photocontrol of DNA Higher-Order Structure" Sergii Rudiuk, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Soft Matter, 7(12), 5854–5860 (2011) | detail publisher doi:10.1039/C1SM05314K |
2009 | |
"Photomanipulation of a Droplet by the Chromocapillary Effect" Antoine Diguet, Reine-Marie Guillermic, Nobuyuki Magome, Arnaud Saint-Jalmes, Chen Yong, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48(49), 9281–9284 (2009) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/anie.200904868 |
"Sequence-independent and reversible photocontrol of transcription/expression systems using a photosensitive nucleic acid binder" André Estévez-Torres, Cecile Crozatier, Antoine Diguet, Tomoaki Hara, Hirohide Saito, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(30), 12219–12223 (2009) | detail publisher doi:10.1073/pnas.0904382106 |
"Time-Resolved Tracking of a Minimum Gene Expression System Reconstituted in Giant Liposomes" Hirohide Saito, Yusho Kato, Mael Le Berre, Ayako Yamada, Tan Inoue, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, ChemBioChem, 10(10), 1640–1643 (2009) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/cbic.200900205 |
2008 | |
"Conformational Behavior of Giant DNA through Binding with Ag+ and Metallization" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Damien Baigl, Ning Chen, Pyshkina Olga, Kazunaka Endo, Vladimir G. Sergeyev and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biomacromolecules, 9(7), 1981–1987 (2008) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/bm800235j |
"Photocontrol of Single-Chain DNA Conformation in Cell-Mimicking Microcompartments" Matthieu Sollogoub, Samuel Guieu, Marie Geoffroy, Ayako Yamada, André Estévez-Torres, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, ChemBioChem, 9(8), 1201–1206 (2008) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/cbic.200800072 |
"Electroformation of Giant Phospholipid Vesicles on a Silicon Substrate: Advantages of Controllable Surface Properties" Mael Le Berre, Ayako Yamada, Lukas Reck, Chen Yong and Damien Baigl, Langmuir, 24(6), 2643–2649 (2008) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/la703391q |
2007 | |
"Spontaneous Generation of Giant Liposomes from an Oil/Water Interface" Ayako Yamada, Mael Le Berre, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, ChemBioChem, 8(18), 2215–2218 (2007) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/cbic.200700473 |
"Dynamic Conformational Behavior and Molecular Interaction Discrimination of DNA/Binder Complexesby Single-Chain Stretching in a MicroDevice" Wei-Hua Huang, Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Cyril Pawlak, Chen Yong and Damien Baigl, ChemBioChem, 8(15), 1771–1774 (2007) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/cbic.200700229 |
"Microcontact Printing of Living Bacteria Arrays with Cellular Resolution" Luping Xu, Lydia Robert, Qi Ouyang, Francois Taddei, Chen Yong, Ariel B. Lindner and Damien Baigl, Nano Letters, 7(7), 2068–2072 (2007) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/nl070983z |
"Single-Chain Compaction of Long Duplex DNA by Cationic Nanoparticles: Modes of Interaction and Comparison with Chromatin" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Takahiro Sakaue, Sumiko Araki, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111(11), 3019–3031 (2007) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/jp067926z |
"Manipulation of Cell-Sized Phospholipid-Coated Microdroplets and Their Use as Biochemical Microreactors" Masahiko Hase, Ayako Yamada, Tsutomu Hamada, Damien Baigl and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Langmuir, 23(2), 348–352 (2007) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/la0618521 |
"Nanostructures and Organization of Compacted Single Chains of Polyelectrolytes" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Damien Baigl and Kenichi Yoshikawa, In Polymeric Nanostructures and their Applications (American Scientific Publishers), Chapter 17 (2007) | detail |
2006 | |
"Spontaneous Transfer of Phospholipid-Coated Oil-in-Oil and Water-in-Oil Micro-Droplets through Oil/Water Interface" Ayako Yamada, Toru Yamanaka, Tsutomu Hamada, Masahiko Hase, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Langmuir, 22(24), 9824–9828 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/la062221+ |
"Topology in Morphologies of a Folded Single-Chain Polymer" Yoshiko Takenaka, Damien Baigl and Kenichi Yoshikawa, In S. Tanda, T. Matsuyama, M. Oda, Y. Asano and K. Yakubo (Eds.) Topology in Ordered Phases(Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on TOP2005) (World Scientific Publishing Company, Sapporo, Japan), pp. 108–113 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1142/9789812772879_0017 |
2005 | |
"DNA Templated Silver Nanorings" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Advanced Materials, 17(23), 2820–2823 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/adma.200501549 |
"Compaction of Single-Chain DNA by Histone-Inspired Nanoparticles" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Physical Review Letters, 95(22), 228101/1–4 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.228101 |
"Dielectric control of counterion-induced single-chain folding transition of DNA " Damien Baigl and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biophysical Journal, 88(5), 3486–3493 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1529/biophysj.105.059493 |
pages: 1 count: 21