Toward the Creation of an Artificial Cellular System
Language: | English |
Type: | InBook |
Authors: | Kenichi Yoshikawa and Shin-ichiro M. Nomura |
Editors: | |
Booktitle: | Precision Polymers and Nano-Organized Systems |
Publisher: | Kodansha |
ISBN: | 4-06-209656-0 |
Chapter: | 4-3 |
Year: | 2000 |
Actual year: | 2000 |
Pages: | 201–204 |
bibtex id: | 2000_inBOOK_Yoshikawa_00-12 |
Abstract: | |
Acknowledgment: |
2000 | |
"Toward the Creation of an Artificial Cellular System" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Shin-ichiro M. Nomura, In Precision Polymers and Nano-Organized Systems (Kodansha), Chapter 4-3, pp. 201–204 (2000) | detail |