Thermo-Switching of the Conformation of Genomic DNA in Solutions of Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)
Language: | English |
Type: | Article |
Authors: | Ning Chen, Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Satoru Kidoaki, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa |
Editors: | |
Journal: | Langmuir |
Volume: | 26 |
Number: | 5 |
Month: | 3 |
Year: | 2010 |
Actual year: | 2009 |
Pages: | 2995–2998 |
URL: | |
doi: | 10.1021/la904375k |
bibtex id: | 2010_Langmuir_NChen_10-23 |
Abstract: | We used poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) to control the conformation of genomic DNA by changing the temperature of a reaction solution and studied the DNA transition at the level of single DNA molecules. With this method, the conformation of long genomic DNA can be readily and reversibly switched between a very compact condensate and an unfolded macromolecule. |
Acknowledgment: |
2010 | |
"Thermo-Switching of the Conformation of Genomic DNA in Solutions of Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)" Ning Chen, Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Satoru Kidoaki, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Langmuir, 26(5), 2995–2998 (2010) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/la904375k |