Rhythms and Bifurcation in Membranes and Interface
Language: | English |
Type: | InBook |
Authors: | Kenichi Yoshikawa |
Editors: | T. Musha and Y. Sawada |
Booktitle: | Physics of the Living State |
Publisher: | IOS Press |
Location: | Amsterdam |
Chapter: | 3 |
Month: | 1 |
Year: | 1994 |
Actual year: | 1993 |
Pages: | 45–55 |
bibtex id: | 112_1994_inBOOK_Yoshikawa |
Abstract: | |
Acknowledgment: |
1994 | |
"Rhythms and Bifurcation in Membranes and Interface" Kenichi Yoshikawa, In T. Musha and Y. Sawada (Eds.) Physics of the Living State (IOS Press, Amsterdam), Chapter 3, pp. 45–55 (1994) | detail |