pages: 1 count: 4
1979 | |
"視覚にうったえる化学反応(2) 空間的振動反応における波形並びに波の衝突" 脇 健, 吉川 研一, 織田 保子, 早川 俊美著, 化学教育, 27(6), 444–448 (1979) | detail |
"視覚にうったえる化学反応(1) 時間的振動反応を利用した反応速度の実験" 早川 俊美, 吉川 研一, 脇 健著, 化学教育, 27(5), 355–359 (1979) | detail |
"Detection by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Elevated Lactate Concentration in Serums from Patients with Malignant Tumors" Akira Ohsaka, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Tyoku Matuhasi, Japanese journal of medical science & biology, 32(5), 305–309 (1979) | detail publisher |
"Nuclear Magnetic Rsonance of Rat Skin" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Akira Ohsaka, Physiological Chemistry and Physics, 11(2), 185–188 (1979) | detail |
pages: 1 count: 4