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1985 | |
"生体内における水の存在状態" 逢坂 昭, 吉川 研一著, 病態生理, 4(2), 97–103 (1985) | detail |
"Formation of a Leakage-type Ion Pathway in Liquid Bilayer Membranes by Divalent Cationic Cyanine Dyes in Cooperation with Inorganic Phosphate" N. Takeguchi, T. Saitoh, M. Morii, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Terada, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 260, 9158–9161 (1985) | detail |
"Oscillations of Fluorescence from Irradiated Eriochrome Cyanine R and Eriochrome Black T in Aqueous Solution" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Yoshihito Mori, Hiroshi Terada and K. Kina, Chemistry Letters, 775–778 (1985) | detail |
"Unique Electronic Property of Langmuir-Blodgett Film of Dioleyl Lecithin Deposited on a Porous Membrane" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Teruyuki Omochi, Toshio Ishii, Yumiko Kuroda and K. Iriyama, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 133, 740–744 (1985) | detail |
"Spontaneous Oscillations of Electrical Potential in a Polymer-Membrane between Equimolar Aqueous Solutions of KCl and NaCl" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Toshiharu Ohnishi, Teruyuki Omochi and Tadatoshi Ota, Makromolekulare Chemie-Rapid Communications, 6, 733–736 (1985) | detail |
"人工膜による分子認識 -自励発振現象の応用-" 吉川 研一著, 膜, 10, 337–348 (1985) | detail |
"Oscillation of Electrical Potential across Liquid-Membrane Induced by Amine Vapor" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Yasuhiro Matsubara, Langmuir, 1, 230–232 (1985) | detail |
"On the Oscillatory Phenomenon in an Oil/Water Interface" Kiyoshi Toko, Kenichi Yoshikawa, M. Tsukiji, M. Nosaka and K. Yamafuji, Biophysical. Chemstory, 22, 151–158 (1985) | detail |
"Self-Excitation in a Porous-Membrane Doped with Sorbitan Monooleate (Span-80) Induced by an Na+/K+ Concentration Gradient" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Kyoko Sakabe, Yasuhiro Matsubara and Tadatoshi Ota, Biophysical Chemistry, 33–39 (1985) | detail |
"ジャボチンスキー反応 -非線形非平衡の化学現象-" 吉川 研一, 森 義仁著, 化学 (1985) | detail |
pages: 1 count: 10