pages: 1 count: 8
1991 | |
"Conformational Dynamics of DNA Affected by Intercalation and Minor Groove Binding: Direct Observation of Large DNA" Yukiko Matsuzawa, Keiji Minagawa, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao Doi, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, 25, 131–132 (1991) | detail |
"Direct Observation of the Biphasic Conformational Change of DNA Induced by Cationic Polymers" Keiji Minagawa, Yukiko Matsuzawa, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao Doi, FEBS Letters, 295(1-3), 67–69 (1991) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0014-5793(91)81386-M |
"Detection and Quantification of CO Gas Based on the Dynamic Response of a Ceramic Sensor" Satoshi Nakata, Yoshiaki Kaneda, Hiroko Nakamura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemistry Letters, 20(9), 1505–1508 (1991) | detail publisher doi:10.1246/cl.1991.1505 |
"Distinguishing Gases Based on the Dynamic Electrical Properties of an SnO2 Ceramic Sensor" Satoshi Nakata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Molecular Electronics, 7(3), 101–104 (1991) | detail |
"Mode bifurcations in diffusively coupled Van der Pol equations" Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami and Kenichi Yoshikawa, IEICE transactions on communications electronics information and systems, E74(6), 1420–1427 (1991) | detail |
"Nonlinear Phenomenon in Chemistry" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Minoru Yoshimoto, IEICE transactions on communications electronics information and systems, E74(6), 1388–1392 (1991) | detail |
"Chemical Sensing Based on the Information Concerning Nonlinear Characteristics: Self-Pulsing at Interface, Dynamic Surface Tension and Impedance at Electrode" Kenichi Yoshikawa, In J. Popielaeski and Jerzy Górecki (Eds.) Far From Equilibrium Dynamics of Chemical Systems (Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium) (World Scientific), pp. 329–345 (1991) | detail |
"Use of a Saline Oscillator as a Simple Nonlinear Dynamical System: Rhythms, Bifurcation, and Entrainment" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Noboru Oyama, Masaru Shoji and Satoshi Nakata, American Journal of Physics, 59(2), 137–141 (1991) | detail publisher doi:10.1119/1.16593 |
pages: 1 count: 8