author: Kenichi Yoshikawa
First name: | Kenichi |
Family name: | Yoshikawa |
性: | 吉川 |
名: | 研一 |
affriation: | Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan |
pages: 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 24 count: 718
1992 | |
"振動反応の動的パターン" 吉川 研一著, 数理科学, 350, 24–28 (1992) | detail |
"リズムを自然発生させる非平衡の化学" 吉川 研一著, 日経サイエンス, 62–73 (1992) | detail |
"Direct Observation of Brownian Motion of Macromolecules by Fluorescence Microscope" Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Toshimasa Sakaguchi, Hideyuki Kimura, Masao Doi, Keiji Minagawa, Yukiko Matsuzawa and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 30(7), 779–783 (1992) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/polb.1992.090300716 |
"New Strategy for the Development of a Gas Sensor Based on the Dynamic Characteristics: Principle and Preliminary Experiment" Satoshi Nakata, Hiroko Nakamura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 8(2), 187–189 (1992) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0925-4005(92)80179-2 |
"Voltage-Dependent Capacitance as a Probe for Albumin Adsorption onto a Solid Surface" Satoshi Nakata, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Takehisa Matsuda, Biophysical Chemistry, 42(2), 213–220 (1992) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0301-4622(92)85011-R |
"Asymmetric Coupling Stabilizes the Out-of-phase Mode: Experimental Evidence in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction" Minoru Yoshimoto, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Yoshihito Mori and Ichiro Hanazaki, Chemical Physics Letters, 189(1), 18–22 (1992) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0009-2614(92)85146-2 |
1991 | |
"Conformational Dynamics of DNA Affected by Intercalation and Minor Groove Binding: Direct Observation of Large DNA" Yukiko Matsuzawa, Keiji Minagawa, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao Doi, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, 25, 131–132 (1991) | detail |
"Direct Observation of the Biphasic Conformational Change of DNA Induced by Cationic Polymers" Keiji Minagawa, Yukiko Matsuzawa, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao Doi, FEBS Letters, 295(1-3), 67–69 (1991) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0014-5793(91)81386-M |
"Detection and Quantification of CO Gas Based on the Dynamic Response of a Ceramic Sensor" Satoshi Nakata, Yoshiaki Kaneda, Hiroko Nakamura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemistry Letters, 20(9), 1505–1508 (1991) | detail publisher doi:10.1246/cl.1991.1505 |
"Distinguishing Gases Based on the Dynamic Electrical Properties of an SnO2 Ceramic Sensor" Satoshi Nakata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Molecular Electronics, 7(3), 101–104 (1991) | detail |
"Mode bifurcations in diffusively coupled Van der Pol equations" Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami and Kenichi Yoshikawa, IEICE transactions on communications electronics information and systems, E74(6), 1420–1427 (1991) | detail |
"Nonlinear Phenomenon in Chemistry" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Minoru Yoshimoto, IEICE transactions on communications electronics information and systems, E74(6), 1388–1392 (1991) | detail |
"Chemical Sensing Based on the Information Concerning Nonlinear Characteristics: Self-Pulsing at Interface, Dynamic Surface Tension and Impedance at Electrode" Kenichi Yoshikawa, In J. Popielaeski and Jerzy Górecki (Eds.) Far From Equilibrium Dynamics of Chemical Systems (Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium) (World Scientific), pp. 329–345 (1991) | detail |
"Use of a Saline Oscillator as a Simple Nonlinear Dynamical System: Rhythms, Bifurcation, and Entrainment" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Noboru Oyama, Masaru Shoji and Satoshi Nakata, American Journal of Physics, 59(2), 137–141 (1991) | detail publisher doi:10.1119/1.16593 |
1990 | |
"Dynamic Behavior of Large DNA Molecules in an Aqueous Solution toward the Understanding of Pulsed-Field Electrophoresis" Yukiko Matsuzawa, Keiji Minagawa, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Masao Doi, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, 22, 77–78 (1990) | detail |
"非線形粘弾性体としての脂質単分子膜" 牧野 正和, 吉川 研一, 石井 淑夫著, 日本化学会誌, 1143–1149 (1990) | detail |
"Evolution of Spatio-Temporal Structure in Interacting Salt-Water Oscillator" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Y. Murofushi, Forma, 5(2), 83–92 (1990) | detail publisher |
"自己組織化を考える" 吉川 研一著, 化学, 45(8), 517–520 (1990) | detail |
"生命を解く鍵 時空間の自己組織化のメカニズム" 吉川 研一著, 化学, 45(3), 160–161 (1990) | detail |
"Chemical Sensing by Use of Entrainment" Satoshi Nakata, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Kawakami, In Akira Onuki and Kyozi Kawasaki (Eds.) Dynamics and Patterns in Complex Fluids: new aspects of the physics-chemistry interface(Springer Proceedings in Physics) (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York), 52, pp. 215–216 (1990) | detail |
"A Tri-Phasic Mode Is Stable When Three Non-Linear Oscillators Interact with Each Other" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Katsunori Fukunaga and Hiroshi Kawakami, Chemical Physics Letters, 174(2), 203–207 (1990) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0009-2614(90)80107-O |
"生体界面における非線形現象" 吉川 研一著, In 嶋林 三郎, 寺田 弘, 岡林 博文編「生体コロイドI-基礎と実際」 (廣川書店, 東京), pp. 125–166 (1990) | detail |
"Discrimination of Drinks with a Novel Sensing System Detecting Electrochemical Nonlinearity" Satoshi Nakata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemistry Letters, 19(9), 1631–1634 (1990) | detail publisher doi:10.1246/cl.1990.1631 |
"Rhythmic Phenomena at Interface and Membrane Self-Organization of Spatio-Temporal Structure" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Satoshi Nakata, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 42(2), 333–338 (1990) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/BF02065369 |
"Effect of the Weakly Acidic Uncoupler 2,4-Dinitrophenol and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on the Coordination of Mg2+ with ATP: Possible Mechanism of Activation of the Isolated F1-ATPase by 2,4-Dinitrophenol" Yasuo Shinohara, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Terada, Biophysical Chemistry, 36(3), 201–208 (1990) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0301-4622(90)80025-3 |
"Excitable Liquid Membranes" Kenichi Yoshikawa, In Takeo Araki and Hiroshi Tsukube (Eds.) Liquid Membranes: Chemical Applications (CRC Press), pp. 141–159 (1990) | detail |
"Novel Method for the Recognition of Molecular Chirality from the Frequency Modulation of Nonlinear Electrochemical Oscillator" Satoshi Nakata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Molecular Electronics, 6(2), 95–98 (1990) | detail |
"Spontaneous Oscillation of Artificial Membrane: Equivalence in Effects of Temperature and Volatile Anesthetic" Nobuyoshi Nakajo, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Masaru Shoji and I. Ueda, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 167(2), 450–456 (1990) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/0006-291X(90)92044-Z |
1989 | |
"非線形粘弾性体としての脂質単分子膜" 牧野 正和, 吉川 研一, 石井 淑夫著, 日化誌, 1143–1149 (1989) | detail |
"生物らしさを作り出す化学" 吉川 研一著, ド-ジンニュ-ス, 50, 3–11 (1989) | detail |