author: Kenichi Yoshikawa
First name: | Kenichi |
Family name: | Yoshikawa |
性: | 吉川 |
名: | 研一 |
affriation: | Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan |
pages: 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 24 count: 718
2006 | |
"Hydrodynamic radius of circular DNA is larger than that of linear DNA" Sumiko Araki, Tonau Nakai, Kohji Hizume, Kunio Takeyasu and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 418(1-3), 255–259 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2005.10.115 |
"Elongation/compaction of giant DNA caused by depletion interaction with a flexible polymer" Masahiro Kojima, Koji Kubo and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 124(2), 024902/1–4 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.2145752 |
"Domain-Growth Kinetics in a Cell-Sized Liposome" Daisuke Saeki, Tsutomu Hamada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75(1), 013602/1–3 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/jpsj.75.013602 |
2005 | |
"非線形が創り出すリズムとパターン" 吉川 研一著, 科学, 75(12), 1400–1402 (2005) | detail |
"ナノ粒子:DNA分析の未来" 田淵 真理, 勝山 吉徳, 長田 英也, 長崎 幸夫, 吉川 研一, 片岡 一則, 馬場 嘉信著, 生物物理化学, 49(6), 83–87 (2005) | detail |
"Autonomous motion of droplet powered by chemical potential and by photon-flux" Hiroyuki Kitahata, Yutaka Sumino, Ken H. Nagai and Kenichi Yoshikawa, In Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, pp. 115–119 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1109/mhs.2005.1589973 |
"ブラウン運動が支配するミクロな世界の拡散現象 細胞の気持ちになって考えてみよう" 吉川 研一著, Bionics, 1, 66–68 (2005) | detail |
"Physical Chemistry of DNA-Carrier Complexes" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Yuko Yoshikawa, SpringerIn Gene Design and Delivery, pp. 11–18 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/4-431-27879-6_2 |
"化学・生物の世界のリズム" 北畑 裕之, 吉川 研一著, In 蔵本 由紀編「リズム現象の世界」(非線形・非平衡減少の数理) (東京大学出版会), pp. 1–37 (2005) | detail |
"水中におけるDNA-フラーレン会合体の形成" 野島 高彦, 山下 健一, 八田 泰三, 柘植 乙彦, 岩瀧 敏男, 牧田 直子, 吉川 研一, 藤井 聡, 竹中 繁織著, 分析化学, 54(6), 449–454 (2005) | detail |
"Spatio-temporal pattern formation with oscillatory chemical reaction and continuous photon flux on a micrometre scale" Hiroyuki Kitahata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(49), S4239–S4248 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1088/0953-8984/17/49/017 |
"DNA Templated Silver Nanorings" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Advanced Materials, 17(23), 2820–2823 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/adma.200501549 |
"Single Macromolecules: Hierarchic Thermodynamics, Irreversibility and Biological Function" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Biological Physics, 31(3-4), 243–248 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/s10867-005-7285-4 |
"Salt-Controlled Intrachain/Interchain Segregation in DNA Complexed with Polycation of Natural Origin" Olga E. Philippova, Tatsuo Akitaya, Ildar R. Mullagaliev, Alexei R. Khokhlov and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Macromolecules, 38(22), 9359–9365 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/ma051088+ |
"Compaction of Single-Chain DNA by Histone-Inspired Nanoparticles" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Damien Baigl, Physical Review Letters, 95(22), 228101/1–4 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.228101 |
"Physical Chemistry of DNA-Carrier Complexes" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Yuko Yoshikawa, In Non-virial Gene Therapy: Gene Design and Delivery (Springer-Verlag), pp. 11–18 (2005) | detail |
"Optical levitation of a droplet under a linear increase in gravitational acceleration" Masahiro I. Kohira, Akihiro Isomura, Nobuyuki Magome, Sadaatsu Mukai and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 414(4-6), 389–392 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2005.08.083 |
"Sensing the distance to a source of periodic oscillations in a nonlinear chemical medium with the output information coded in frequency of excitation pulses" Jerzy Górecki, J. N. Górecka, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Igarashi and Hiroki Nagahara, Physical Review E, 72(4), 046201/1–7 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.046201 |
"Chemosensitive running droplet" Yutaka Sumino, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Masaharu Nagayama, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura, Nobuyuki Magome and Yoshihito Mori, Physical Review E, 72(4), 041603/1–8 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.041603 |
"Enhancement and inhibition of DNA transcriptional activity by spermine: a marked difference between linear and circular templates" Francois Luckel, Koji Kubo, Kanta Tsumoto and Kenichi Yoshikawa, FEBS Letters, 579(23), 5119–5122 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2005.07.095 |
"Novel scenario on the folding transition of a single chain" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Natsuhiko Yoshinaga, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(31), S2817–S2823 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1088/0953-8984/17/31/006 |
"Specific Formation of Beads-on-a-Chain Structures on Giant DNA Using a Designed Polyamine Derivative" Ning Chen, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of American Chemical Society, 127(31), 10910–10916 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/ja042509q |
"Reversible Photoswitching in a Cell-Sized vesicle" Tsutomu Hamada, Yuko Sato, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Takeshi Nagasaki, Langmuir, 21(17), 7626–7628 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/la050885y |
"Dramatic Change in the Tertiary Structure of Giant DNA without Distortion of the Secondary Structure Caused by Pteridine - Polyamine Conjugates" Ning Chen, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemistry - A European Journal, 11(16), 4835–4840 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/chem.200500135 |
"How does DNA compaction favor chiral selectivity with cationic species? Higher selectivity with lower cationic charge" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Ning Chen, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, ChemBioChem, 6(8), 1419–1422 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/cbic.200500032 |
"Different pathways in mechanical unfolding/folding cycle of a single semiflexible polymer" Natsuhiko Yoshinaga, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Takao Ohta, European Physical Journal E, 17(4), 485–491 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1140/epje/i2005-10023-9 |
"Smooth/rough layering in liquid-crystalline/gel state of dry phospholipid film, in relation to its ability to generate giant vesicles." Mafumi Hishida, Hideki Seto and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 411(1-3), 267–272 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2005.06.045 |
"Helical Superstructures of Fullerene Peapods and Empty Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Formed in Water" Naotoshi Nakashima, Yasuhiko Tanaka, Yasuhiko Tomonari, Hiroto Murakami, Hiromichi Kataura, Takahiro Sakaue and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(27), 13076–13082 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/jp050958m |
"Entrapping Polymer Chain in Light Well under Good Solvent Condition" Masatoshi Ichikawa, Yukiko Matsuzawa and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 74(7), 1958–1961 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/JPSJ.74.1958 |
"Why is the compact state of DNA preferred at higher temperature? Folding transition of a single DNA chain in the presence of a multivalent cation" Takuya Saito, Takafumi Iwaki and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Europhysics Letters, 71(2), 304–310 (2005) | detail publisher doi:10.1209/epl/i2004-10541-6 |