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2006 | |
"Hyaluronic acid and its derivative as a multi-functional gene expression enhancer: Protection from non-specific interactions, adhesion to targeted cells, and transcriptional activation" Tomoko Ito, Naoko Iida-Tanaka, Takuro Niidome, Takahito Kawano, Koji Kubo, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Toshinori Sato, Zhihong Yang and Yoshiyuki Koyama, Journal of Controlled Release, 112(3), 382–388 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2006.03.013 |
"Transition Kinetics of a Single Semiflexible Polymer" Natsuhiko Yoshinaga, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 161, 397–402 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/ptps.161.397 |
"An oil droplet that spontaneously climbs up stairs" Yutaka Sumino, Nobuyuki Magome and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 161, 348–351 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/ptps.161.348 |
"Change in the Mode of Spontaneous Motion of an Alcohol Droplet Caused by a Temperature Change" Ken H. Nagai, Yutaka Sumino, Hiroyuki Kitahata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 161, 286–289 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/ptps.161.286 |
"Spontaneous motion of a droplet coupled with a chemical reaction" Hiroyuki Kitahata, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 161, 220–223 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/ptps.161.220 |
"Spontaneous Formation of Cell Clusters in a Cardiac Cell Culture System" Takahiro Harada and Akihiro Isomura, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 161, 107–118 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/ptps.161.107 |
"Interactive Propagation of Photosensitive Chemical Waves on Two Circular Routes" Satoshi Nakata, Sayaka Morishima and Hiroyuki Kitahata, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110(10), 3633–3637 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/jp056881j |
"Topology in Morphologies of a Folded Single-Chain Polymer" Yoshiko Takenaka, Damien Baigl and Kenichi Yoshikawa, In S. Tanda, T. Matsuyama, M. Oda, Y. Asano and K. Yakubo (Eds.) Topology in Ordered Phases(Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on TOP2005) (World Scientific Publishing Company, Sapporo, Japan), pp. 108–113 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1142/9789812772879_0017 |
"Structural transition of actin filament in a cell-sized water droplet with a phospholipid membrane" Masahiko Hase and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 124(10), 104903/1–6 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.2174004 |
"Protective Effect of Vitamin C against Double-Strand Breaks in Reconstituted Chromatin Visualized by Single-Molecule Observation" Yuko Yoshikawa, Kohji Hizume, Yoshiko Oda, Kunio Takeyasu, Sumiko Araki and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biophysical Journal, 90(3), 993–999 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1529/biophysj.105.069963 |
"Real-time imaging of the somite segmentation clock: revelation of unstable oscillators in the individual presomitic mesoderm cells" Yoshito Masamizu, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Yoshiko Takashima, Hiroki Nagahara, Yoshiko Takenaka, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Hitoshi Okamura and Ryoichiro Kageyama, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(5), 1313–1318 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1073/pnas.0508658103 |
"Hydrodynamic radius of circular DNA is larger than that of linear DNA" Sumiko Araki, Tonau Nakai, Kohji Hizume, Kunio Takeyasu and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 418(1-3), 255–259 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2005.10.115 |
"Elongation/compaction of giant DNA caused by depletion interaction with a flexible polymer" Masahiro Kojima, Koji Kubo and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 124(2), 024902/1–4 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.2145752 |
"Domain-Growth Kinetics in a Cell-Sized Liposome" Daisuke Saeki, Tsutomu Hamada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75(1), 013602/1–3 (2006) | detail publisher doi:10.1143/jpsj.75.013602 |
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