Slow Dynamics of n-Butoxyethanol-Water Mixture by Neutron Spin Echo Technique
Language: | English |
Type: | Article |
Authors: | Koji Yoshida, Toshio Yamaguchi, Michihiro Nagao, Youhei Kawabata and Hideki Seto |
Editors: | |
Journal: | Applied Physics A |
ISSN: | 0947-8396 |
Volume: | 74 |
Number: | Supplement 1 |
Month: | 12 |
Year: | 2002 |
Actual year: | 2002 |
Pages: | S386–S388 |
doi: | 10.1007/s003390201549 |
bibtex id: | 2002_APA_Yoshida_02-23 |
Abstract: | |
Acknowledgment: |
2002 | |
"Slow Dynamics of n-Butoxyethanol-Water Mixture by Neutron Spin Echo Technique" Koji Yoshida, Toshio Yamaguchi, Michihiro Nagao, Youhei Kawabata and Hideki Seto, Applied Physics A, 74(Supplement 1), S386–S388 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/s003390201549 |