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2002 | |
"Fluorescence Energy Transfer Study of Interstrand DNA Cross-linking Caused by Rigid Bisintercalator" Bernard Juskowiak, Elzbieta Galezowska, Teruhisa Ichihara, Shigeori Takenaka, Makoto Takagi and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Supramolecular Chemistry, 14(6), 477–485 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1080/1061027021000052689 |
"荷電高分子鎖の熱力学" 坂上 貴洋著, 数理科学, 468, 51–57 (2002) | detail |
"非線形システム:反応拡散系から生命現象へ" 北畑 裕之, 吉川 研一著, 応用物理, 71(9), 1126–1132 (2002) | detail |
"単一高分子鎖の折り畳み相転移" 義永 那津人, 吉川 研一著, 日本ゴム協会誌, 75(9), 385–389 (2002) | detail |
"Dynamical Fluctuation of Cylindrical Micelles and Membranes in Binary and Ternary Amphiphilic Microemulsion Systems" Shigeyuki Komura, Takayoshi Takeda, Hideki Seto and Michihiro Nagao, Lecture Notes in Physics, 601, 302–311 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/3-540-45823-9_24 |
"Folding Transition and Conformational Behavior of DNA" Yuri S. Velichko, Igor V. Rychkov and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Recent Research Developments in Physical Chemistry, 6, 425–435 (2002) | detail |
"DNAの高次構造スイッチングと遺伝子発現" 吉川 祐子, 湊元 幹太, 吉川 研一著, 生物物理, 42(2), 179–184 (2002) | detail |
"Neutron Spin Echo Studies on Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Gel in a Mixture of Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Water" Toshiji Kanaya, N. Takahashi, K. Nishida, K. Kaji, Hideki Seto, Michihiro Nagao, Youhei Kawabata and Takayoshi Takeda, Journal of Neutron Research, 10(3-4), 149–153 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1080/1023816021000020644 |
"Compaction and Condensation of DNA" Kenichi Yoshikawa and Yuko Yoshikawa, (Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Nucleic Acid-Based Therapeutics) (Taylor & Francis), Chapter 8, pp. 137–163 (2002) | detail |
"Temperature- and Pressure-dependences of Shape Fluctuations in a Ternary Microemulsion System" Youhei Kawabata, Hideki Seto, Michihiro Nagao and Takayoshi Takeda, Journal of Neutron Research, 10(3-4), 131–136 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1080/1023816021000020653 |
"Neutron Spin Echo Studies of the Effects of Temperature and Pressure in a Ternary Microemulsion" Youhei Kawabata, Michihiro Nagao, Hideki Seto, Shigeyuki Komura, Takayoshi Takeda and D. Schwahn, Applied Physics A, 74(Supplement 1), S534–S536 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/s003390201781 |
"Slow Dynamics of n-Butoxyethanol-Water Mixture by Neutron Spin Echo Technique" Koji Yoshida, Toshio Yamaguchi, Michihiro Nagao, Youhei Kawabata and Hideki Seto, Applied Physics A, 74(Supplement 1), S386–S388 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/s003390201549 |
"Development of Spin Flippers with Steady Current for a TOF-NSE Spectrometer at a Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source" Takayoshi Takeda, Hideki Seto and Youhei Kawabata, Applied Physics A, 74(Supplement 1), S177–S179 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1007/s003390201388 |
"Mode Switching of an Optical Motor" Takahiro Harada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Applied Physics Letters, 81(25), 4850–4852 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1527235 |
"レーザー場で創出される高分子の非線形ダイナミクス" 眞山 博幸, 吉川 研一著, 高分子, 51, 936–939 (2002) | detail |
"Field Hypothesis on the Self-regulation of Gene Expression" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Biological Physics, 28(4), 701–712 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1023/a:1021251125101 |
"Daunomycin Triggers Membrane Blebbing and Breakage of Giant DNA Encapsulated in a Cell-Sized Liposome" Yuko Yoshikawa, Toshio Kanbe and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 366, 305–310 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/s0009-2614(02)01587-7 |
"Folding/Unfolding Kinetics on a Semiflexible Polymer Chain" Takahiro Sakaue and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(13), 6323–6330 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1504431 |
"Geometric Manipulation of DNA Molecules with a Laser" Yukiko Matsuzawa, Ken Hirano, Akira Mizuno, Masatoshi Ichikawa and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Applied Physics Letters, 81(18), 3494–3496 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1516263 |
"Oscillatory Expression of the bHLH Factor Hes1 Regulated by a Negative Feedback Loop" Hiromi Hirata, Shigeki Yoshiura, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Yasumasa Bessho, Takahiro Harada, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Ryoichiro Kageyama, Science, 298(5594), 840–843 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1126/science.1074560 |
"Folding Transition of Large DNA Completely Inhibits the Action of a Restriction Endonuclease as Revealed by Single-Chain Observation" Hidehiro Oana, Kanta Tsumoto, Yuko Yoshikawa and Kenichi Yoshikawa, FEBS Letters, 530(1-3), 143–146 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/s0014-5793(02)03448-8 |
"Secondary Structure of DNA Is Recognized by Slightly Cross-Linked Cationic Hydrogel" Vladimir G. Sergeyev, Olga A. Novoskoltseva, Olga A. Pyshkina, Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Valentina B. Rogacheva, Alexander B. Zezin, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Victor A. Kabanov, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124(38), 11324–11333 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/ja020486e |
"Proton Concentration (pH) Switches the Higher-Order Structure of DNA in the Presence of Spermine" Naoko Makita and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biophysical Chemistry, 99(1), 43–53 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/s0301-4622(02)00110-2 |
"Multiscaling in a Long Semiflexible Polymer Chain in Two Dimension" Natsuhiko Yoshinaga, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Satoru Kidoaki, Journal of Chemical Physics, 116(22), 9926–9929 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1475759 |
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Circular Double-Stranded Polymers" Yuri S. Velichko, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Alexei R. Khokhlov, Computer Physics Communications, 146(1), 122–124 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/s0010-4655(02)00444-7 |
"DNAの不思議" 吉川 研一著, 数理科学, 468, 5–12 (2002) | detail |
"Rhythmic Bursting in a Cluster of Microbeads Driven by a Continuous-Wave Laser Beam" Nobuyuki Magome, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review E, 65(4), 045202 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.65.045202 |
"Convective and Periodic Motion Driven by a Chemical Wave" Hiroyuki Kitahata, Ryoichi Aihara, Nobuyuki Magome and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 116(13), 5666–5672 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1456023 |
"Autonomous Swinging of a Lipid Tubule Under Stationary Irradiation by a Nd3+ :YAG Laser" Shin-ichiro M. Nomura, Takahiro Harada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review Letters, 88(9), 093903 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physrevlett.88.093903 |
"All-or-None Folding Transition in Giant Mammalian DNA" Kenichi Yoshikawa, Yuko Yoshikawa and Toshio Kanbe, Chemical Physics Letters, 354(3-4), 354–359 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/s0009-2614(02)00137-9 |
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