Rhythmic Bursting in a Cluster of Microbeads Driven by a Continuous-Wave Laser Beam
Language: | English |
Type: | Article |
Authors: | Nobuyuki Magome, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura and Kenichi Yoshikawa |
Editors: | |
Journal: | Physical Review E |
ISSN: | 1539-3755 |
Volume: | 65 |
Number: | 4 |
Month: | 4 |
Year: | 2002 |
Actual year: | 2002 |
Pages: | 045202–0 |
doi: | 10.1103/physreve.65.045202 |
bibtex id: | 2002_PRE_Magome_02-04_252 |
Abstract: | Rhythmic bursting on the order of seconds in a cluster of plastic beads under continuous irradiation of a focused neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser beam (1064 nm) is reported. The oscillatory instability is induced as a result of competition between trapping and scattering forces, where both forces are induced by the focused laser beam. Above a critical power of the laser beam, mode bifurcation from the stationary state into periodic bursting is observed. Our model employing ordinary differential equations reproduces the essential aspects of the experimental results. |
Acknowledgment: |
2002 | |
"Rhythmic Bursting in a Cluster of Microbeads Driven by a Continuous-Wave Laser Beam" Nobuyuki Magome, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review E, 65(4), 045202 (2002) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.65.045202 |