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2004 | |
"生命・物理現象と多様性" 吉川 研一著, In 「宇宙と生命の起源〜ビッグバンから人類誕生まで〜」(岩波ジュニア新書) (岩波書店) 11章, pp. 222–237 (2004) | detail |
"リズムを生み出す数理モデル" 山田 彩子, 吉川 研一著, In 岡村 均, 深田 吉孝編「時計遺伝子の分子生物学」 (シュプリンガー・フェアラーク, 東京) 4.2章, pp. 193–199 (2004) | detail |
"ニューロンのダイナミクスと情報処理" 元池 育子, 吉川 研一著, In 長谷川 建治, 吉岡 亨編「脳のフィジックス」 (共立出版) 3章, pp. 103–137 (2004) | detail |
"ナノシミュレーション -nano-physicsからnano-biologyへ-" 坂上 貴洋, 吉川 研一著, In 竹安 邦夫編「ナノバイオロジー ナノテクノロジーによる生命科学」 (共立出版) 6章, pp. 63–84 (2004) | detail |
"自己組織化と散逸構造" 吉川 研一著, In 中嶋 直敏編「超分子科学 ナノ材料創製に向けて」 (化学同人) 3章, pp. 25–35 (2004) | detail |
"光の操作、物体の操作、で何をする?" 市川 正敏, 吉川 研一著, 化学, 59(8), 76–77 (2004) | detail |
"Necklace on a Strongly Charged Polyelectrolyte" Takahiro Sakaue, In 3rd International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems (AIP CP), 708 (2004) | detail |
"Stereoisomeric Discrimination in DNA Compaction" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Vladimir G. Sergeyev, Victor A. Kabanov, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 43(18), 2378–2381 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/anie.200453774 |
"Novel Scenario in the Collapse Transition in a Single Polyelectrolyte" Takahiro Sakaue, In Proceedings of e-Polymers, Chapter 4 (2004) | detail |
"Slowing and stopping of chemical waves in a narrowing canal" Hiroyuki Kitahata, Ryoichi Aihara, Yoshihito Mori and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108(49), 18956–18959 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/jp048003b |
"On-site manipulation of single whole-genome DNA molecules using optical tweezers" Hidehiro Oana, Koji Kubo, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Haruyuki Atomi and Tadayuki Imanaka, Applied Physics Letters, 85(21), 5090–5092 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1825064 |
"Synchronized motion of a mobile boundary driven by a camphor fragment" Satoshi Nakata, Yukie Doi and Hiroyuki Kitahata, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 279(2), 503–508 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2004.06.097 |
"Forward and backward laser-guided motion of an oil droplet" Sergei Rybalko, Nobuyuki Magome and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review E, 70(4), 046301 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.70.046301 |
"Peeling kinetics of giant multilamellar vesicles on a solid-liquid interface" Tsutomu Hamada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 396(4-6), 303–307 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.08.044 |
"Counterion-Mediated Intra-Chain Phase Segregation on a Single Semiflexible Polyelectrolyte Chain" Takafumi Iwaki and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Europhysics Letters, 68(1), 113–119 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1209/epl/i2004-10171-0 |
"Anomalous doping effect on Ag-doped DNA conductor" Hiroyuki Mayama, T. Hiroya, K. Inagaki, S. Tanda and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 397(1-3), 101–105 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.08.061 |
"Direction detector on an excitable field:Field computation with coincidence detection" Hiroki Nagahara, Takatoshi Ichino and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review E, 70(3), 036221 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.70.036221 |
"DNAの高次構造から生命現象を探る" 吉川 研一著, 高分子, 53, 774–745 (2004) | detail |
"Spontaneous rhythmic motion of a polymer chain in a continuous-wave laser field" Hiroyuki Kitahata, Hiroyuki Mayama and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review E, 70(2), 021910 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.70.021910 |
"Unwrapping of DNA-protein Complexes under External Stretching" Takahiro Sakaue and Hartmut Loewen, Physical Review E, 70(2), 021801/1–8 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.70.021801 |
"Compaction and Multiple-Chain Assembly of DNA with the Cationic Polymer, Poly-Aluminumchloride (PAC)" Yukiko Matsuzawa, Toshio Kanbe and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Langmuir, 20(15), 6439–6442 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1021/la036392f |
"生命現象と時間の矢" 吉川 研一, 住野 豊著, 数理科学, 43–48 (2004) | detail |
"Self-motion of a camphor disk coupled with convection" Hiroyuki Kitahata, Shin-ichi Hiromatsu, Yukie Doi, Satoshi Nakata and Mohammed Rafiqul Islam, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 6(9), 2409–2414 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1039/b315672a |
"Rhythmic growth and collapse of a micro water droplet" Masatoshi Ichikawa, Nobuyuki Magome and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Europhysics Letters, 66(4), 545–551 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1209/epl/i2003-10240-x |
"Double-strand break of giant DNA: Protection by glucosyl-hesperidin as evidenced through direct observation on individual DNA molecules" Yuko Yoshikawa, Mari Suzuki, Norihiro Yamada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, FEBS Letters, 566(1-3), 39–42 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2004.04.008 |
"Emergence of multiple tori structures in a single polyelectrolyte chain" Takahiro Sakaue, Journal of Chemical Physics, 120(13), 6299–6305 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1063/1.1652433 |
"Structural Changes in Block Copolymer Solutions under Shear Flow as Determined by Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics" Igor Rychkov and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 13(3), 257–264 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/mats.200300018 |
"Fluctuation-response relation in a rocking ratchet" Takahiro Harada and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physical Review E, 69(3), 031113 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1103/physreve.69.031113 |
"DNA Compaction by Divalent Cations: Structural Specificity Revealed by the Potentiality of Designed Quaternary Diammonium Salts" Anatoly A. Zinchenko, Vladimir G. Sergeyev, Kuniaki Yamabe, Shizuaki Murata and Kenichi Yoshikawa, ChemBioChem, 5(3), 360–368 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1002/cbic.200300797 |
"Nanospheres for DNA separation chips" Mari Tabuchi, Masanori Ueda, Noritada Kaji, Yuichi Yamasaki, Yukio Nagasaki, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Kazunori Kataoka and Yoshinobu Baba, Nature Biotechnology, 22(3), 337–340 (2004) | detail publisher doi:10.1038/nbt939 |
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