Kenichi Yoshikawa, Ryoichi Aihara and Konstantin Agladze, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 102, 7649-7652 (1998)
S. G. Starodoubtsev and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Langmuir, 14, 214-217 (1998)
Yuta Ichiba and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 242, 441-445 (1998)
Masanori Ueda, Hidehiro Oana, Yoshinobu Baba, Masao Doi and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biophysical Chemistry, 71, 113-123 (1998)
Hiroshi Noguchi and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 109, 5070-5077 (1998)
Shinji Katsura, Ken Hirano, Yukiko Matsuzawa, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Akira Mizuno, Nucleic Acids Research, 26, 4943-4945 (1998)
and Kenichi Yoshikawa, シュプリンガー・サイエンス, 2, 2-5 (1998)
and Kenichi Yoshikawa, 筑波研究コンソーシアム, 1, 49-60 (1997)
Masakazu Makino, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Toshio Ishii, PHARM TECH JAPAN, 13, 2011-2019 (1997)
Mina Okamura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, 数理科学, 408, (1997)
Masakazu Makino, C. Sasaki, K. Nakamura, Mamoru Kamiya and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 215-218 (1997)
Valentina V. Vasilevskaya, Alexei R. Khokhlov, Satoru Kidoaki and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biopolymers, 41, 51-60 (1997)
Sergey M. Mel'nikov and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 230, 514-517 (1997)
Nobuyuki Magome, Tatsunobu Takemura and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemistry Letters, 205-206 (1997)
Elena Yu. Kramarenko, Alexei R. Khokhlov and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Macromolecules, 30, 3383-3388 (1997)
Toshinori Kusumi, Tomohiko Yamaguchi, Rubin R. Aliev, Takashi Amemiya, Takao Ohmori, Hajime Hashimoto and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 271, 355-360 (1997)
Konstantin Agladze, Nobuyuki Magome, Rubin R. Aliev, Tomohiko Yamaguchi and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Physica D, 106, 247-254 (1997)
Yo Kato, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Maki Kitora, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 40, 33-37 (1997)
Sergey M. Mel'nikov, Vladimir G. Sergeyev, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Takahashi and Ichiro Hatta, Journal of Chemical Physics, 107, 6917-6924 (1997)
Hidehiro Oana, Masao Doi, Masanori Ueda and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Electrophoresis, 18, 1912-1915 (1997)
Masakazu Makino and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Langmuir, 13, 7125-7134 (1997)
Nobuhiko Emi, Satoru Kidoaki, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Hidehiko Saito, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 231, 421-424 (1997)
Sergey M. Mel'nikov, Vladimir G. Sergeyev, Yulia S. Mel'nikova and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions, 93, 283-288 (1997)
Kenichi Yoshikawa, Yuko Yoshikawa and Toshio Kanbe, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, 6473-6477 (1997)
and Kenichi Yoshikawa, 81-90 (1997)
Kenichi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noguchi and Yuko Yoshikawa, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 204-208 (1997)
Sergey M. Mel'nikov, Vladimir G. Sergeyev and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 106, 209-214 (1997)
Hiroshi Noguchi and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Chemical Physics Letters, 278, 184-188 (1997)
M. Takahashi, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Valentina V. Vasilevskaya and Alexei R. Khokhlov, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101, 9396-9401 (1997)
Yuichi Yamasaki and Kenichi Yoshikawa, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, 10573-10578 (1997)